Sunday, May 8, 2011

Public Service Announcements

      Since the 04.05.11 in my English class we were working on Public Service Announcements. You may be asking yourself what is a PSA (Public Service Announcements)? Before you even know that, do you know what an advertisement is? An advertisement is like an announcement trying to convince someone to buy a product or think is a positive way about whatever the advertisement is advertising. PSA’s are very similar to advertisements because they are both hung up somewhere where citizens can see it and it is widely spoken about. The only little difference is that in PSA’s the point is not for something to be advertised so it can be sold, but the point is to encourage human beings about some issue in the world and persuade them to help in any way they can. Sometimes the best way to do that is forming fear in the people so they become aware of what is happening. When I first started working on this project, I researched on Wikipedia what a PSA was and came up with three main issues which no one else in my class was doing, there were: Go green, Drunk Driving and Child abduction. I researched a bit on all of them and I was most interested in the Drunk Driving so I decided to do a presentation about drunk driving.  Once we had our topic decided, we were meant to answer some questions on either a poster, power point or any other program. I chose power point because I found it pretty easy and I know how it works so I had a clear idea of what I wanted to do. While I was writing the things into Microsoft power point, I changed the font so that once I show it to my audience they would be more interested. The questions we had to answer where: What? When? Why? Where? And how? I personally thought that answering these questions for my topic wasn’t that hard because they were kind of obvious but I still researched to find out more about them. The thing I liked the most while creating the power point and researching, was learning about all the different types of things you can get arrested by because I thought it was just one thing: drunk driving and one fine for it, but actually, there are more. These include:
DUI: Driving under intense influence
DUII: Driving while intoxicated
DWI: Operating while intoxicated
OWI: Operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated
OMVI: Driving during the combined influence of Alcohol and drugs
DWAI: Driving while ability impaired
OVI: Operating a vehicle while impaired
Once I preformed my topic, and compared it to the other topics from the others and how I presented, I think I did pretty well because the presentation wasn’t too long like some other ones were and the information was accurate which is a big thing. One of the biggest things that grabs your audiences eyes are picture. I made sure to include at least 1 picture on each slide so I could compare what I was saying to the pictures. I also included a chart in one slide to show how serious issues in the world are and how much percent of what is more serious. Drunk driving, was in the middle and it was 7% of seriousness needed to solve it and 7% of the worlds issues. I must say that this unit taught me a lot and was actually interesting because now I can alert others from drunk driving. While I was presenting, I think I did just as I did the other times, that is because I didn’t have many-ums, I knew everything, and didn’t go over time. So after all, I think I now have new experiences with other stuff and I did a god job presenting because others understood.
These are some pictures I included on my slide show and you might want to take a glance at:

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