Thursday, April 14, 2011

Young Authors

 During the last two month and a half, my class has been working on writing a story about anything. My story, was called Lost Soul. One of our assignments was to post tour stories on our blog, and this is mine: But before I even start, I must say I really enjoyed writing about my own story because I could have used any thing I wanted, and I was free to write about anything I wanted. I think I couldn't have started writing my book without this magnificent film I watched in Slovakia. This film was pretty much my link that helped me through everything. I hope you enjoy reading my story, and that maybe once you will see the movie yourself and will remember it from my story.

Lost Soul

April 11
I was never thought to be a warier, my life was a lie, and nothing was meant to be. A soul haunts my house, that’s what they say, I say they have a wide imagination. They shouldn’t find out about me, actually, I should never find out about them.
By Alex L.

Publisher: New Found land Organization of Publishing
Published Year: 2011
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: pg 1
Chapter 2: Pg 1-2
Chapter 3: pg 2
Chapter 4: pg 3
Chapter 5: pg 4
Chapter 6: pg 4-5
Chapter 7: pg 6-7
Chapter 8: pg 7-8
Chapter 9: pg 8-9

Dedicated to my dear family

Page 1:
Chapter 1:
They say when a person dies; its soul never fades away. Its habitat is the possession one has, the place where it can kill, the place where it can make you remember everything. I grew up in a fake way, my mother never told me truth, and I was never trusted. We lived in a big lonely house in California back then, the first house my family ever bothered to construct. I never realized the pain I was going through, I thought I was happy, I thought I had everything I needed, but therefore, my whole life was a lie. I would have never realized that, if my parents wouldn’t have divorced, at least that’s what I was told. My mum thinks I am too young to know everything, and that it’s the past, so I don’t have to worry about anything, but I do. I never really understood why my dad left us when I was 9, did he hate us?? Or was he hiding a secret? People say I am way too good for this world, I guess I am, but it all follows the fact that I am a family person. I don’t know why, it’s probably because I never got enough love. But I never gave up believing that my dad, Henry Johnson, was a great person, at least that’s what I thought. Every day of my childhood I would meet up with friends, but I was different in a way, I never liked the lifeless activities they did. I loved being involved in investigations, in crimes and everything that included insecurity, it was a big risk. I was a lonely child, so I had a better opportunity for making my little dream true.  Whenever I asked my mum to explain stuff, she refused. That’s why she never was my model; I knew I could never look up to her.
Chapter 2:
I barely remembered anything about the old house we lived in when I was small, because when I was about 10, which is right after my dad left me, we moved into an apartment. The divorcement between my parents might be the explanation of the moving. There are only a few things I remember about the moving in into the new apartment. I know that my mum wanted me to get rid of every existent tool or object I had from my dad. She was full of hate by the time we moved into the apartment…she couldn’t talk about anything but her problems, but of course not to me, she only talked to her friends. But I must admit that moving away from the house did help me realize what a liar my mother was. I became friendlier, and started making bunch of friends. Through these friends, I figured out that their mothers or parents knew my mum pretty well, and they told their children everything they knew, so of course they told me. I saw a huge difference between their lives and mine. My life is missing communication, I never got to express my feeling or talk to anyone, my only job was to listen. Listen to the few things I ever got told in life. One of them was: Learn from your mistakes, but that’s not what my mum told me. Elisa Johnson, my mother, said I should never try to do mistakes, and if I do, never do the same thing again, never think back about it, she was wrong. Anyhow, I started trying to communicate with my mother, and I was relieved when I heard she wanted to start a better relationship, she said starting over would be the best thing. So I did, and I started making up all the time I lost love in. But again, it was nothing but a “miss understanding,” that’s what my mum would call it. I stayed with my mum until I was 19...I couldn’t stand the fact anymore that I was being entrusted from my own mother. It was unbelievable, it was my life.
Chapter 3:
During university, I settled down in Rome. I was studying in the I.U.M.E. (International University of Mechanism and Engineering.) I guess I changed my plans for life a bit while I was going through school. Somewhere deep inside I was still interested in crimes and detection, but I thought that this school, would bring me more success in life. I hated university, I had to move away from everyone because the only school available that I was searching for was in Rome and that is far away from California. But there is something I loved the school for.  This was where I met my true love, Michael Smiths. At that time he was one year ahead of me and the only thing I remember was that he had beautiful brown eyes with brownish-blackish hair. He studied in the  P.S.S.(Police Security School)His schools boss, was a very close friend to my schools director, so they would come and visit every 2nd week and we would share adventures, ideas and everything that popped up in the 20 minute time they gave us to see each other. When I completed university, we married. Even though I graduated as an engineer, I started feeling the passion for danger again.
 However happy I was while I passed through my twenties, I started hearing about rumors from my dad. I knew my mum wouldn’t help so I didn’t even bother asking her for help. I thought this was the perfect opportunity to detect a crime or whatever everyone was talking about. Since my husband was an officer, he could have helped me but I trusted myself, unlike my mother, who thought I couldn’t succeed in anything. I started learning about my father’s past and about fact that could help me discover more and more. I came up with 3 main facts. My dad used to be a police officer in his twenties, he set dozens of people in prison that were found innocent, and he was guilty. Reading through facts at the police management office, took my breath way, I swear I could feel my blood pressure rising and I felt watched. There was too much confusion, so much I didn’t understand. And every page I looked through, it said Istmus. Who was that?

Chapter 4
I’m not the type of person who gives up easily, I am Sarah Johnson and I get what I want. Or is that only what I think? I found nothing, but really nothing in the next month, so I decided to go back to my own life, which I nearly forgot about. I got hired at a candle shop. The shop was really big, it was located in California and had 2 floors. Actually 3 if I count the underground storey. I used to go to that shop every day and nothing special ever happened. One day though, I finished all my work and I felt a smooth, cold touch on my shoulder. I wasn’t convinced that anything was there, I was pretty sure that I must have heard something but I didn’t want to seem crazy. The only clear voice I could hear was saying: “Your dad, your dad.” I thought I should take this signal as a negative sign, I did believe in paranormal activity and I did understand that if a soul is furious, it will get its revenge. How could I possibly go on in my work when I knew my father was in danger? Or what was that signal meant to indicate? I quit my job just a few days later and I started getting a bad feeling about Istmus. I never knew him, but I knew he was my enemy.  I knew that my dad was staying at a hotel that night and I had the feeling that everything was up to me; did I want my dad alive or dead? What type of question is that? Of course I wanted him alive. It was way too early to go save anyone, first comes the history of facts you have to get used to so you can investigate on. I found out that Istmus was killed in front of a Californian house, but they wouldn’t tell me which one. I also learned that for some reason Henry was being hunted by Istmus, that was my clue that my feelings where right. My father was in danger. I started hanging out with my dad and asking him what he knew about Istmus. All he told me was that I shouldn’t know everything because he is trying to protect me. I would have believed him if he showed me some respect when I was small, but right now, I had no intension to believe him, but what else was I meant  to believe? The world changed since I was small, and the world believed that spirits existed, one of the biggest spirits was this name, Istmus. My husband started digging further into the case with me and we came up with a street name: Rosaline Street number 28. It did sound familiar to me, because it was the same house on the same street that I worked in for the lady that possessed the candle shop. But there was nothing wrong with the candle shop when I worked there, of course except for the little experience with the voice. I had no intentions to start working in that house again, but since it was the only way I could get the answers to my questions, I asked the owner if I could start working in her now “furniture shop.” It wasn’t the same owner as the one who owned the candle shop; she must have probably sold it. The new owner was really kind; she worked in her shop as well 24/7. The shop had changed in the storey. Everything else was different, but every time I was alone in the storey, I was scared; I knew I was definitively not alone.

Chapter 5

I didn’t even notice the days passing by in the next months. It all seemed to me like a huge stack of days that where just waiting to end and were going against me, they didn’t want me to realize what place I was in. My job was making me bored, nothing special ever happened. That was probably the worst part of my life. It’s just not me, I am not the person to sit around and do nothing. On the 28th of November, it was a really spooky night. It was cold and the wind was blowing softly. Even though it was soft, the door kept on opening and closing, I didn’t understand that, the wind pressure was low, how could the door move?? I was pretty stressed that night because I spend time with my mother and that wasn’t a very clever idea. She just made it harder for me to survive throughout the day. I was working that day; I guess I stayed at the shop until 11.26p.m. That night, I just had bad luck. I had to prepare a table so it would be ready for the next day, but my hands were full of sweat that whenever I touched a glass it would fall and break. I broke 14 glasses, and then finally the owner joined me in the shop.
 She said, “Oh my dear, what are you doing? You know you shouldn’t be working at this time. You have already done so much for me. Why don’t you go downstairs and bring me some extra glasses. I will finish the rest by myself.”
Downstairs I found a box with glasses and took it off the shelf down to the table. I opened it just to check if the glasses were in good conditions. While I was opening the box, I heard a piece of light music coming from the back of the room. I heard the music before, it sounded like the music from one of my baby dolls that I lost while we were moving. This time I didn’t want to let go of the fact that I was with someone. Behind me was a hole in the wall covered with wood stacks and paper cartoons. I tried pulling them off but it didn’t work because they were fixed with glue, metal and everything you can imagine. I took the closest knife I found into my hand and just stabbed it right through the cartoons and wood. Slowly everything came off, and all I could see was black.
My left foot was in the hole, and slowly I forced my second foot into it as well. The only thing I had with me was a flash light. But it was barely working, so it didn’t help. The sealing was very close to the ground so I had to walk on my knees, it was very hard to breathe and I was under panic but I continued. I came to a spot where the room opened and I was finally able to walk again. Looking around I noticed a mirror, some boxes, a carpet full of dirt and a pair of glasses. The first thing I did once I entered was open the boxes, but there was no clue that something could be living here. In one box there was a sign saying: DO NOT ENTER. Was that taken off the wall from the path to here?? Why would Istmus be hiding in this place? Just in that second, I heard a smack and turned around. The mirror had been broken and millions of pieces were falling off. But there was no one in the room. You can’t see souls can you? This was probably one of them… Looking at me from my back was a man in a black coat, wearing a mask, and he had brown and white hair… a bit longer than usual man hair.
“Your dad is evil,” the man said, “you have to believe me. You don’t know him. I’m sorry for what I am going to do.”
“Leave him alone! Don’t touch him at all, I don’t know who you are you but I care for my father and am not going to let you kill him.”I shouted out loud and I could feel the tears coming down my cheek.   “Why do you even stay here?” That was the last thing I told him that night. He disappeared.
Chapter 6
I was excited by the time I got home and told Michael everything. He questioned people that admitted to know Istmus and they described him as: Tall man with white hair, thin and wears a mask. He used to be in prison and was meant to be set free after 3 years, but a fight happened and he killed a person. He was set to life in jail. One day he went outside and he was killed, he never came back. The information totally matched the black man I saw in the basement the previous night. The history of the world never really interested me, but the history of crime always did. Nobody dared to talk to me for the next oncoming days. But it’s not like I felt a special need to talk to anyone. Finally, after about a week my mum spoke to me, with a clear voice, and in my perspective, she was saying the truth. The truth! For the first time! It started like this:
“Mom! I need to know what’s going on, I mean it!”
“Sorry,” what a senseless answer, definitively not what you expect when you are in my situation, and definitively not from your mum.
 If I didn’t have Michael in my life, I have no clue what I would do. That night, he arranged a meeting with my mum at our apartment. Sometimes I wonder how it would have turned out if Michael wasn’t there. He was a strict man; he most probably inherited that from his job as a police man.  However, I was preparing dinner at about 8.00pm, to make sure my mother didn’t feel uninvited.
            The door bell rang, a slight chill overcame me. She was here, it was now or never.
Michael started the conversation, “Good afternoon Mrs. Johnson, I am guessing you know what you are here for. I can’t take the pain of your daughter. She is trying to help your husband, and you are ignoring her. I want you to speak the truth now!”
            “Michael... Dear…thank you, but I think I have to handle this. Mom, I can’t stand you, it’s true, but I don’t want to continue like this, can’t you see I can’t handle it anymore! I need you to tell me the truth.” I guess that fit the topic, it was the only thing I could think of.
            “Look, it’s not as easy as it seems, the story is long, but I’ve decided to tell you…” my mum answered.
            “It all started when I was 20. I met a man called Joseph, we were both in love, he was everything I had, and I never wanted anything more. Then at work, I met another man, Henry Johnson. When I looked at him, I knew I wanted him…but I had someone else, and no one was worth as much as Joseph. Eventually I told Henry about Joseph, he was madly in love with me, and got into a fight with Joseph. For no reason the police took Joseph into custody, I knew he wasn’t the bad guy, but the others didn’t. Since he was gone, I married Henry, your dad, well actually no, I am lying, he’s not your dad…3 years of Joseph wasn’t enough for me, I never gave up talking about him, until eventually Henry’s jealousy took over. The only news I ever got from Joseph was that he was going to be set free in 2 years. That changed, Henry hired another prisoner to kill Joseph, it didn’t work, Joseph killed him and was set to life in jail. The only thing he was allowed to do, was visit me every once in a year, that one night came. He was just going away, when I heard a scream from the front porch, it was him, he was killed. Believe it or not, you were watching him being killed, out of your window, you could see everything. Just after his death, I figured out he was called Istmus. They say he haunts Henry for that very reason. And the probably last thing I should tell you is that before Istmus went to jail, I got pregnant. Henry and I kept it to ourselves; we didn’t want others to find out. Both of us were really excited to be getting a baby, Istmus knows you’re his daughter, you were the last person we wanted to tell, but in the last years, Henry and I were having some problems, so I decided I should tell you.”
Chapter 7:
            I finally knew the truth. I couldn’t wait anymore, what would I wait for anyways? I had all the answers, and was finally able to go on with life. All that was on my mind was Henry, the man who killed my dad. There was definitively no more time for waiting, so I organized a meeting at Henries room in the hospital, just so I could have a quick chat to confirm if mums story was the truth.
            I knocked on his door…It was room number 134, one of the last doors in the hall. The door was pretty massive and black. I guess I could also describe it as a “creepy haunted door.” The door handle wasn’t even fixed to the door which was the first suspicious fact about the door. Second, there was a big crack at the top of the door where some smoke was coming out of. Finally after about 5 minutes of knocking, the door finally opened. There was smoke everywhere!
            “What on Earth did you do?!?!” I asked suspiciously.
            “Sarah dear, don’t pay attention to the smoke, that just came from the window, there is way too much pollution in the world!” He replied.
            How stupid can a person be? The window wasn’t even opened, and it was very clear that all the smoke came from the kitchen. But paying too much attention to that wouldn’t help. I took Henries hand and went to the Hospital garden. There we could talk more efficiently and the air was way better.
            “Mother told me everything, just as much as shocked I was, I was also very anxious to find out what your side of the story was. I know this may seem awkward, but I couldn’t stand the pressure anymore. I’ve been lied to my whole life, and Henry, I can’t believe you never told me you weren’t my dad.”
            “Sarah dear, I admit that it was a big mistake holding the whole story back from you. Now as a conclusion, I need to show you one more thing.”
            There I was, standing in front of the house that always seemed so familiar to me, it was my old working place, the house I spent practically every day in when I was small, and when I worked. Just like the previous owner, the new owner also abandoned the house; I guess they must have found something weird on it.
            “This dear, is the house you were born in, the house you spent a few years in… Your mum and I left the house once the divorcement was announced. Neither of us wanted to keep it because it reminded us of too many bad memories. And yes, I was the one to kill Istmus, or Joseph, whatever you prefer. Just one last thing before I take you inside, I don’t want you to be mad at me or anything, I still love you and always will, what happened is the past, but what’s about to come, will show us the future,” Henry then finally finished and we went in.
Chapter 8:
            My first memory while going in was running around those halls when I was small, but why did no one ever tell me this was my house? Because really, this was my house! It really was! It took a second to get a flash back from everything, my whole life. Henry started walking upstairs, not to be rude I followed him, actually no, I followed him because I felt like there was an invisible string pulling me towards him, I could go closer to him, but no further than 5 meters, that’s what it felt like. To be honest, I feel ashamed right now, all these years, I have never taken this house in consideration to have anything to do with me… On the upstairs left was a small room which was the only one I visited while Henry was with me, the last one I ever visited in that house.
            “I love this room, this is where I always feel happy, and then sad,” he continued, “the only thing left in this room is that broken mirror on the wall. This was your room.”
            “Why is that mirror broken?” I wondered.
            “Don’t you remember? Think about it, look outside the window, you will understand,” Henry finally responded.
            My left foot was moving, but my right just didn’t find the confidence to. But after a while I managed to pull it closer. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I looked outside. All the memories came back. I saw myself standing in the window as a 7 year old girl, mother was just kissing Istmus good-bye when she suddenly went in and Henry came out.  I could see the knife in his back hands, he was getting ready to attack, mum didn’t bother staying outside with the men, Henry said they needed time to speak things a bit through. It didn’t take long until the first scream came out. The knife was full of blood, and I saw Istmus on his knees covered in blood, definitively not the most pleasant thing to see as a 7 year old. That was the moment I felt something for Istmus, some love, I was full of anger that I threw a book at the mirror and it broke. That’s how it broke! I finally remembered the whole story.
Chapter 9:
            “Yes Sarah, you have it,” Like he knew what I was thinking about.
            “Istmus has always been here right? He never left the house, he was killed here and never had a way to escape, this is the only place he is safe in. Is that why when I was in the basement the mirror broke? Of course it is! Istmus was there, what I have I done? I never gave him a chance.” I talked with a sad and angry voice by then.
            “You have it, but daughter like father, has to die here… I can’t let you go away now, you know everything, I can’t trust you. You have to die,” Henry talked.
            I begged him to let me go, promised him I wouldn’t do anything, but what can you do to a person who is eager to kill? He just had it in his blood, the willingness to kill. His weight was about 89 kilos, compared to a 51 kilo person, there is no way I could have stopped him! First thing I felt were his hands around my neck, he was trying to suffocate me. I was losing breath, there was nothing to do. I don’t know what overcame me, but there was my idea, since Istmus was always in the house, he had to be in it this specific moment.
            “Dad! Dad! Please help me! Dad do something!” I shouted as loud as I could.
            Henry was the first to reply, “I am not your dad, you know that!”
            He was a complicated guy, but every comment needs an answer, “I am not talking about you Henry, I mean my dad!”
            That split second Henries hands dropped off me, and he looked pale like paper. It was him, my dad was here. His soul overcame evil for the first time! The next thing I saw was Henry falling down the stairs, I am pretty sure he didn’t do that for free will, and like any other person who falls down stairs, he died. That was a big relief, but what would the others say? I slowly walked towards the stairs and down. There was a soul standing right next to Henry. It was Istmus.
            “Dad! You saved me!” I screamed from joy, “why didn’t you tell me about everything, that you were my real dad!?”
            “You would have never believed me, I would have probably never have saved you, but when I heard you shout for me, your love was so strong I had to save you. Sarah I love you!” This was said by a fine, sweet but soft noise from Istmus.
            Now I knew the truth was told, that I succeeded, that I was safe. Who knows if Henries soul will ever come for me, but if it does, it will eventually have to go through my dad first.
            I met mum the next day, I told her about everything, she was graceful to hear the news. But what she probably like the most, was seeing Istmus again. Others could not see him; there was just something in my families blood that let us see ghosts. My dad never had the chance to see the white light, never had the will to go to heaven because he was protecting me, protecting us. Now he was finally ready to experience this moment. Mum would talk to him for ages if she could, but it’s not possible. Hugging and kissing was a big part of that night, lastly, he went away, into the white light, into safety, but whenever I tend to go into the house, I can feel him, I know he is there whenever I need him.
            This is what life means, to live, to have fun and to discover. I think I experienced all of these, and also death. No matter what’s going to happen next, I know I have a loving family who is always there for me, but mostly, I have a life. I have the life I have always been waiting for, the willingness to live, and the truth that helps me survive every day. I have a family.

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